Thursday 31 December 2009

Moving out, moving in.



It has been hectic to say the least, but, finally we have moved and are settling in to our new house. I have been so busy my camera has hardly seen the light of day, however last night I got clicking. My new house will be my new photographic project. I have been snapping film for later, but for now I can provide an image from my living room as a teaser.

Thursday 24 December 2009


And we have a dongle .. hehee. All moved in, lots of work to do just got to get Christmas out of the way xx Merry Merry all xx

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Memory 1995

I am currently in the process of moving house so no pictures today. This is one of my memories, I think I can date it to around 1995. 

Did I or didn’t I see the boy? He was vivid in my sight and is still vivid in my memories. I knew, that at the time I was coming down gently off a fine cocktail of alcohol and class A’s, but there was more to it than that. I knew also that this was the first time back to Cornwall in at least a year, and that I had been on a wild adventure. I leaned my head to the left and then to the right pondering my age, eventually, after some consideration, I pin- pointed it to the time following my first return trip home from India, I had been 19. Frail in body and open in mind the apparition of the boy came to me. He was a young miner, he sat at the entrance to the mine, he was clothed in rags black with coal dust, but transparent, in his hand he held a pasty. He smiled and waved to me almost beckoning me to go by him. I saw him; I smiled and acknowledged him but did not go near. I asked my friend about the boy who was sitting at the entrance of the shaft, but on turning he was gone. 

Monday 14 December 2009

A Photographic Portfolio by Samantha Morris

A Photographic Portfolio by Samantha Morris

This was my first attempt at creating an online book, it was part of my HND final year project. I hope to make another one in the future. Maybe it is a little random, but this goes to prove that my work is advancing and that I am constantly thinking about how to make it more coherent, whilst preserving my individuality. Sometimes I feel like something is being taken away by the educational system, but then I realise how much learning gets done as time goes by. It is difficult sometimes to realise just how much is being gained. So far I have not blogged any new work, I am still in the searching faze, slowly and surely the randomness is fading. It won't be long.

Kid Art

My university took us on a field trip recently to Bratislava. We were there for the month of photography so we were mostly looking at images in gallery spaces, I didn't take many pictures but I thought I'd like to share the kids art that I found.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Rapped up car

Since starting this blog I have adopted the idea of taking my camera everywhere on a daily basis, so that I have it handy when I come across things. I prefer to use a Baronica (medium format film) for personal project work, so I have been leaving the digi at home gathering dust. Today I found this car by the side of the road all rapped up. So I am glad I had the digital camera with me, other wise this image may never have seen the light of day. This is sooo much fun.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Nazare, Portugal

I am very fond of this image. It was taken on the west coast of Portugal at a place called Nazare. It took us the best part of a day to get there. It was the middle of summer, which meant it was extra-ordinarily hot. But on this particular day the mist came in and the heavens opened, and we were drowned in monsoon rain.          

Friday 11 December 2009

Remembering my childhood.

I am still hunting through my hard drive at the moment for things to blog, It is a refreshing experience. These two images were part of my HND Final Major Project last year, I shot them as part of a bigger series on a throwaway camera, the type that you have on tables for weddings and Christmas parties. I used this photographic medium to portray a sense of memory from the village where I grew up.

Thursday 10 December 2009

I have been thinking about why photographers take pictures, what do they hope to achieve other than to sell images and earn a living? The course of this year is all about this concept, so I have been thinking about Freud and Jung and life itself. Last night I requested that I dream, I wanted to reach the inner resources of my mind and look for the archetypes inherited to my being. I am not a dreamer so I did not expect anything at all but sleep. My body paralysed, my mouth was numb and there were black figures in the room looking down at me. I was not scared, this is not the first time it has happened, I looked it up on the web quickly, it is called dream paralysis, my favourite explanation for it is that

"your spirit decides to take a trip--can be anywhere, even visiting heaven--our True Home.... Any way, you woke up before your spirit was finished going back into your body." (pretty _ yahoo

It is a common experience for many people and there is much research out there about it. But it was strange that I had asked to experience my dreams before I went to sleep, and it is also stranger that it all happened whilst I thought and believed that I was awake.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Egypt 2004

When I was younger I travelled to so many places (without a camera) that I was shocked at myself. This trip was the first time Id been away since my daughter was born, it was only 10 days but what a long time it was. I cried when I found out the flight was a day later than I thought.

Typical Expats (Portugal 2007)

Hum !!!

Peace in a field

I found some old pictures to start my blogging days off, I am always amused by looking at old pictures I have taken, at the time they mostly seem uninspiring, irrelevant. But later on, after the memory has faded they seem so much more something. A memory, a past event, but usually general they somehow stand out as a much better photograph than the one I dismissed as nothing special all those years ago.

My daughter with twins.

The little thing in the middle is my daughter, she is now a big six, so grown up, ah baby days.

Perranporth Beach Cornwall.

Summer 2005, a beautiful day and the start of my quest to become a professional photographer. I have been thinking about blogging for quite some time and realise it is I must as far as a professional career goes. Its a start at least. My next plan is to create a website to link with this page, and hopefully soon, I will have built up an exciting and interesting place to show the world my work.